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Ute Krautkremer

In the series of works "Spurensicherung - Baum" she works with cut tree trunks, branches and tree slices.

The tree fragments stand on the one hand concretely for a piece of forest or nature but also for human intervention in nature. On the other hand, she understands them as independent, abstract forms that I can bring into new orders

By taking impressions with paper, the found surfaces can be manifested concretely and used as negative forms that she can fit into constructed formal contexts. In contrast with calculated construction and the materiality inherent in the paper cast, the original form appears abstracted. The inversion of form and the resulting hollow spaces open up new perspectives, in some cases it is possible to look through the tree or branches.

We think we are penetrating into the interior, although we always "only" see the exterior. Both the motif and the material are released from existing patterns of association and new (emotional) accesses arise. The intention is to make things visible outside their usual experience and to enable a contemplation triggered by feeling.

©Ute Krautkremer


Ute Krautkremer was born in Koblenz in 1958, lives and works in Spay/Rhein and in Berlin.

She studied fine arts and art history in Mainz.

She has received funding, for example, from the Biennale di Venezia Personal Structures" or the project scholarship Ministry of Culture RLP.

Between 1984 and today she has participated in a variety of solo and group exhibitions at home and abroad such as the "Jahresausstellung", Röntgenmuseum Neuwied or ""vis a vis"", Galerie Waldersdorff, Hofgut Molsberg (with B. Klöckner/Cello)."

©Ute Krautkremer

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